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The Sabbath Day

The Dark Ages is upon us once again! The Church of Jesus Christ has been corrupted, and most Church tables are full of Vomit!! The Holy Spirit has been locked out of HIS Church. The Church is taken over by Witchcraft and Satan worshipers. Cares for material things and this world has replaced the care for things that are invisible and eternal in the heavens.

Most pulpits have become the podiums of Belial/Baal, Semiramis and Isis worship. There is no longer any distinction between the House of God (or the House of Prayer) that Jesus Called the Father’s House and the ungodly social gatherings. I am calling upon all God’s Elect to rise up from their Spiritual slumber and stand firm at their posts and defend against the attacks and onslaught of the Cain-like apostate church that has shut its ears and can no longer hear God neither discern the signs of the times. Saints of God in all places take up your Cross and contend for the restoration of truth, Holiness, Perfection and the fearless faith, once delivered to the Church of Jesus Christ.

God instructed our congregation in 2007 that it was time for HIS Old landmarks to be restored back to what the Apostles and Christ Himself believed and practiced, beginning with the Restoration of HIS HOLY SABBATH DAY for weekly Corporate worship of the One and Only True God, whose Name by which all of God’s Creations was saved is the LORD JESUS CHRIST!

The HOLY Spirit is crying “Come out of her my people and be ye separate……” – Rev. 18:4; “.. repent of your sins and those of your fathers, and I will receive you, saith the Lord” (Lev. 26:40; Neh. 9:2; John 14:6).

I will also cry out loud to you, please do not allow yourself to be deceived and thus follow the masses/majority to Hell. Please turn around and check your Christian walk and the doctrines of your church with the Bible, and take a stand for truth. Your place in eternity depends on it!

We believe in Holiness and peace. Heb. 12:14. No sex before or outside marriage or your partner.

Women are encouraged to wear their hair long. 1 Cor. 11: 15.

We believe in the 7th day Sabbath as the physical Day of rest instituted by God for man to have fellowship with HIM and with one another.

We believe that the 7th Day Sabbath is a heavenly day because when God created and rested on the 7th Day, it was a rest day in the spirit Gen. 2:1-3. Man was the first animal to be placed on this Earth, Gen. 2:5-9,19, Exo. 31:14-17; Ex.32:16; Lev. 23:3.

We believe that the Law that contained the 7th day of the week is still in effect today. Exodus 20:8-11. Matt. 5: 17-19; Jesus did not come to end the Law but only amended it or made it complete or whole. Jesus called Himself the Lord of the 7th Day of the week (the Lord of the Sabbath), Matt. 12:8; and Paul referred to God as the “Lord of the Sabbath”, Rom. 9:29. Paul also declared that faith in Jesus Christ does not mean the 10 commandments have ceased or had been canceled or that we have done away with God’s Laws, he said rather, that we establish or proclaim or promote or lift them up for all to see and remember them, Rom 3:31. Paul was misunderstood by all who claim he abrogated the 7th Day Sabbath-keeping, when he did not. All he was saying, was that the former emphasis on the Laws had been replaced by a new emphasis on Jesus Christ and the Blood He shed at Calvary. Based on that fact, he was rightly instructing Believers not to boast in their ability to keep the laws but rather should boast in Christ!

Misinterpreted Scriptures: – Col. 2:14-18, is the scripture often cited by those, who being oblivious of the historicity of the origin of Sunday as the day of weekly corporate worship, attempt to use this scripture to justify their position.

There is a great fault in such misinterpretation and misplacement of scriptures. The issues Paul was addressing with the Gentile believers had to do with the fact that some Jewish Saints wanted the Saints to observe all the Feastly Holydays (called Sabbaths, as well) e.g. feast of Trumpets, Feast of Tabernacles, Feast of Passover, etc, Exo. 32:22,25; Lev. 23:4-7,24,27-32,34-39; Lev.25:2-6,8; Lev.26:35. There were others associated with the new Moons and harvests of crops, as well. These Sabbaths and many more are not applicable to Christianity e,g. Feast of Passover, because Jesus Christ became our Passover Lamb! The Jews considered some meat as unclean, according to the Law but this was changed by the Holy Ghost through Peter’s vision on the roof top in Joppa, Acts 10:10-18 and Paul also changed the Law of Meat. Jesus changed the Law of an Eye for an Eye in Matt. 5:38-40.  Another example of a section of the Law being amended, is the fact that Jesus Christ is today our High Priest, and all Pastors are Priests under HIM. For that to happen, God Himself amended the section of His Law that restricted the Priesthood to Levites by first calling Jesus Christ His Son, and afterwards ordaining Him a High Priest after the Order of Melchisedec. Psalm 110:4,  Heb. 5:4-6, Heb. 7:12-18. Jesus Christ did not have female Apostles for the same reason because no amendment existed to grant that. For the same reason Apostle Paul clearly stated that Bishops (Head Pastors), Pastors and Deacons, that is, the entire spectrum of Ministers of the Word, should be only males, Exo. 28:1-3,29,35,40-41; Exo.29:44; Exo.40:12-13; Lev.1:7-8; Lev.10:9; Lev.21:1,7,10,17-21; Lev.3:3,6,9-12;  1 Tim.2:9-14; 1 Tim.3:1-13; Titus 1:5-8.

Peter did not ordain any female Deacon for the same reason because that section of God’s law was never amended, Acts 6:1-6. Peter observing the grave misinterpretations and errors of some Christians in his day, warned about that by saying some have wrestled with Paul’s writings and shall condemn themselves thereby, by erroneously believing they are on the Right path or hjave the correct interpretation, 2Pet.3:15-16. Let us reason with the Word of God and ask the Holy Spirit to illuminate our spirits, so that we do not follow after stale foods meant for centuries before. The fresh anointing and revelation from the throne of God is to restore HIS Timeless truth, whether we like it or not. In one scripture Paul indicated that “there is no more male or female in Christ or Jew or Gentile or Bond or Free, and that we are all one”, someone who believes that God’s 7th Day Sabbath Law is no longer relevant could also use the above statement by Paul to mean that Women can become High Priests and Pastors and Deacons! They will ignore the other scriptures written by Paul to their own destruction. So also is the error of misinterpreting Col. 2 to mean the doing away with the Holy 7th Day Sabbath of God. Today, Christian Churches do not burn incense nor offer blood sacrifice in the evening because God amended that Law prior to Christ’s coming by allowing the lifting up of Holy hands to symbolize the evening sacrifice, and the earnest prayers of saints are the incense in heaven, Exo.30:8-9; Psa.141:2 and Rev.5:8.

I am stating the above with emphasis because the same Paul indicated in numerous epistles that we are saved by Faith in what Christ did but then encouraged all to keep the tenets of the Laws out of gratitude to God for Christ sake. Otherwise why would Paul and the Apostles hold services on the Sabbaths, read Acts 4:32-37; 5:1-10,42; Acts 13:14-16,42 & 44; 15:21; 16:13; and Acts 18:4.

We know  as a matter of historical fact, that it was the RC Church that changed the weekly Day of Corporate worship of Our Father (God) from Saturday to Sunday. Prophet Daniel under the Holy Spirit anointing wrote about this in Daniel 7:24-25, in those verses, he indicated that a Power or King shall arise in later times that shall change times and laws that God gave HIS Creations, e.g., they forbid marriage, contrary to Gen. 2:24; and moved the 7th Day sabbath of Gen. 2:1-3, Exo. 20:8-11, to Sunday; they broke more of God’s laws and teach others the same, contrary to Exod. 20:1-5, Matt. 5:17-19. When Martin Luther led the Protestant movement, it was not given to him, neither was that his task to correct the error of the Sabbath Day worship, and so his followers kept the Sunday worship tradition, in ignorance. The same thing applies to all that came after Martin Luther. Even William Marrion Branham the 7th Prophet-Messenger to the Laodicean Church was not given the burden to restore the 7th Day Sabbath as a Heavenly day of spiritual worship to the God of all creations. Today, the Holy Spirit, Himself, is recruiting Pastors and Churches to revert back to the 7th Day Sabbath worship, and if you hear His voice, harden not your heart!

It should not be surprising to true Bible Believers who are more concerned about God’s absolute truth, to respond positively, to this present day correction by the Holy Ghost. Remember, God said because anyone claims ignorance, does not excuse them from bearing the punishment of their errors, Lev.5:17. Satan choose his day to receive worship, as Sunday (he is the sun god called by the names of Baal, Ra, Horus, etc) after God had chosen the 7th day of the week, in Gen. 2:1-3. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the Book of Revelation was revealed to, or John was taken up to Heaven to witness all he was allowed to pencil down as the Book of Revelations, on the Lord’s Day (Saturday), Rev. 1:10, which is the Sabbath Day. There should be no confusion between the 7th Day Sabbath and the other Sabbaths used to celebrate the different Holy feasts days commanded by God to the Israelites.

I cannot tell you on this webpage how God actually corrected us on the Sabbath Day Keeping but if you are interested, then contact our Pastor directly by email or telephone.

God bless you.
